What can go wrong during birthing?

Giving birth is one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences any new mother can go through. Normally, giving birth goes smoothly – but it doesn’t always go to plan. If there are mistakes within the medical room through no fault of your own, you may be eligible for a medical negligence claim for birth related injuries.
To find out what the most common errors are and what you can do about them, read on.
4 errors that can go wrong before, during and after childbirth
- Lack of screening or a screening mistake
Normally, mothers and babies are screened for conditions such as downs syndrome and heart and brain defects. If this is not done properly or missed altogether, this can have wide-reaching implications for both the mother and baby. For example, some mothers would have terminated the pregnancy if they were aware of the disabilities of the child.
- Failure to provide a c section or offer the McRoberts maneuver
In some cases, hospitals fail to offer a cesarean section despite the baby being large. If this is the case and you experience shoulder dystocia, you may be eligible to claim compensation
During the birth, the midwife or healthcare professional may also fail to perform the McRoberts maneuver. When performed properly, this will help avoid injuries such as Erb’s palsy.
If either of the above has happened to you, choosing an experienced team of medical negligence solicitors can help you make a claim for compensation.
- Injuries to the infant
As babies are so delicate, it’s no surprise that they can be injured during childbirth. Some of the most common injuries to the infant include:
- Brain damage or injury
- Stroke
- Cerebral Palsy
- Erb’s Palsy
- Fractured bones
- Nerve damage or paralysis
- Seizures
Although thankfully injuries to the infant aren’t commonplace, it doesn’t hurt to be aware of the risks.
- Injuries to the mother
As well as physical injuries such as broken bones and nerve injuries, did you know that each year, 30,000 women experience a traumatic birth in the UK? Instead of the experience being one of the best days of their life, many women leave the birthing room traumatized due to their experiences.
The bottom line…
Although giving birth normally goes smoothly, it’s not without its risks. Whilst nothing can totally prepare you for the day you give birth, by being aware of the risks and having a team of experienced medical negligence solicitors on standby, you can prepare for all eventualities.