What Do Geothermal and Solar Energy Have in Common?

solar panel house

Have you ever found yourself asking, ‘what do geothermal and solar energy have in common’? With 28% of global electricity being generated by renewables, it’s understandable you’d want to know more about clean energy types.

Whilst geothermal energy and solar energy might feel like two sides of the same coin, in reality, they are quite different.

Still, they are both connected to the sun and the natural world and hold other similarities. In this guide, we’ll explain what you need to know about the links and disparities between geothermal and solar energies.

What is Geothermal Energy?

Geothermal energy is not as widely understood as solar energy. Here is a quick geothermal energy guide to help you understand how it works.

Geothermal energy is generated by the molecules inside the Earth. Deriving from Greek, the term means ‘Earth’s heat,’ and it is this that is used to generate energy.

The heat inside the Earth is generated primarily by radioactive decay.

There is also residual heat from the planet’s formation. All of the heat that is close to the core radiates towards the mantle and the crust, where it can be harnessed to generate geothermal energy.

What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is widely known due to the accessibility of solar panel installation, but just for clarity, here is a short solar energy guide to give an overview of how it works. Generated by stars like the sun, it is a radiant energy type.

This does not mean it relies on radioactive material.

Rather, the photons making up the light are charged with energy, and they can generate different waves depending on how much energy they store. Solar energy simply harnesses electromagnetic radiation from visible light.

The Similarities

There is one vital similarity between geothermal energy and solar energy. Neither method has a carbon footprint.

With both energy types being drawn from natural energy sources rather than being reliant on the burning of fossil fuels, they are types of energy that can help with the quest for a greener planet. They both help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions when used in place of burning fuel.

The Differences

Several differences exist between geothermal and solar energies. Here are the key ones to know:

  • Solar from the sun vs. Geothermal from the Earth
  • Solar radiant energy vs. Geothermal radioactive energy
  • Solar can be anywhere vs. Geothermal near tectonic plate lines
  • Solar in the daylight vs. Geothermal 24/7

These are the core things separating the energy types. But their roots in the natural world bring them together on the most important level – both generate energy in a clean way.

What Do Geothermal and Solar Energy Have in Common?

Well, now you know the answer to ‘what do geothermal and solar energy have in common?’. Despite the variety of things that set them apart, they charge the vital quality of being clean.

If you’re looking for more accessible information that can help you to understand science and the natural world, you’re in the right place. Be sure to check out our recent blog posts for more interesting articles like this one!