What Poker Terms Do You Need to Know to Succeed?

As an up-and-coming poker player, there are a number of terms you must familiarise yourself with ahead of time. Continue reading to find out what they are.
As with any sport or game, terminology can play a central role in determining how successful you are as a player from the very onset and throughout. If you have only recently discovered poker, it may benefit you to familiarise yourself with a number of key terms commonly used by players and fans on a widespread basis. By doing so, you can expand upon your existing knowledge of the game and boost your chances of success. Continue reading to find out which terms you should insert into your poker vocabulary to succeed as an amateur or professional player.
Angle shooting
As a poker novice, you may have heard of the term angle shooting during a match at one point or another. It, in the simplest of terms, refers to the act of performing an action that will provide you with an unfair advantage over your opponent, or opponents. It may not necessarily be classed as cheating, but it is commonly frowned upon by fellow players at online and in-person poker rooms on a global scale. As a result, it may benefit you to avoid angle shooting as an up-and-coming player if you are looking to gain respect from fellow players in your chosen field. When it comes to the topic of angle shooting, there is a great deal to learn. By familiarising yourself with the ins and outs of angle shooting, you can learn how to spot an opponent that may be angle shooting as well as how to avoid doing it yourself.
As well as angle shooting, you may have heard the term ante during a poker match. It is the term given to a small bet that all players are required to make prior to the first hand being dealt. It is usually only found during poker tournaments but can also be spotted during cash games. If you find yourself playing in an online casino or poker room, such as the GGPoker platform on a regular basis, it may benefit you to know what it means.
For example, if you have a 40/20 game with 5 ante, the big blind is 40 chips and the small blind is 20 chips. As a result, each player must submit 5 chips to the dealer as ante in order to increase the size of the pot. As you grow and develop as a player and participate in more online and in-person tournaments, you are more likely to become familiar with the term and what it means for you as a player.
Backdoor draw
A backdoor draw, otherwise known as a runner-runner draw, is a type of draw that requires you to hit both turn and river cards to make a winning hand. You may have a backdoor flush draw which means you will need heart on the turn and another heart on the river to make a flush or a backdoor straight draw where you need Q and J to form a straight. For example, if you have three clubs, you have a backdoor flush draw in clubs. You, therefore, need two additional clubs to form a flush.
As with any sport or game, your knowledge of terminology can make or break your career. If your poker journey is only just beginning, it may benefit you to familiarise yourself with a number of key terms that may have a positive impact on your poker playing success going forward. For example, by doing your research and finding out what angle shooting, ante, and backdoor draw means, you can up your game and thrust your career to new heights.