Why Managed Network Services Benefit Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs)

a person holding a tray of food

Quick service restaurants (QSR), or food restaurants, were worth £22 billion in 2023, employing around 460,000 British citizens. It’s clear that both big branded chains and independent takeaways contribute a lot to the economy, as well as the culture of this country. However, as technology develops and consumer demands evolve, it’s clear that many fast service restaurants need to update their internal operations. 

Enter managed network services

Serving millions of Britons every day requires infallible connectivity, cybersecurity and, often, 24/7 uptime. This piece is going to explore how managed network solutions can benefit QSRs, facilitating their quick services and fast turnaround rates. 


Enhanced operational efficiency – reduced downtime

One of the primary appeals of fast food is its convenience. Whether it’s a cheeky lunchtime Maccies or a midnight kebab, quicker service at odd hours is a big part of the equation. Managed network services allow for minimised downtime and reduced system outages, ensuring orders and payments can be taken at all active times. 

Also, it’s worth noting that being a master of slinging pizza doesn’t mean a QSR owner will necessarily be particularly IT minded. By outsourcing network management, issues can be resolved quicker and the restaurateur can focus on core business issues. 


Enhanced customer satisfaction

Connectivity is a big part of providing a good customer experience, especially in QSRs where self-service kiosks have become commonplace. A stable network connection also ensures the smooth and consistent functioning of: 

  • POS systems
  • Digital menu boards 
  • Online ordering platforms 

And that’s not to mention the impact of a fast network connection on reducing wait times and generally quick services. Better network performance also allows QSRs to offer more seamless experiences with app-based interactions like digital loyalty programs 


Improved security

When serving thousands of customers through a range of in-person and digital portals, data security is essential. Network management services provide QSRs with advanced security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection and data encryption to ensure customer and business data are sufficiently protected. These sorts of measures also ensure that the company adheres better to industry regulations and data privacy standards. 


Cost-effective IT solution

Around 60% of restaurants fail, meaning they close within a year. In all of these cases, the businesses simply couldn’t keep up with their overheads for one reason or another. Active network management from an outsourced business creates a predictable monthly rate, allowing businesses to better budget around the IT infrastructure overhead. These solutions also reduce the need for hardware investments or in-house tech staff, which can also significantly lower costs. 


Scalability and flexibility

All the fast food restaurants we know and love today started their lives as small-scale independent businesses. A QSR in 2024/5 can leverage managed network services to adapt to changing business scenarios, which can be a core facet in terms of fostering growth. With faster connectivity and lower downtime, its easier to quickly adopt new tech like IoT, AI and Machine Learning, all of which could have huge benefits for QSRs. 


Revolutionise your QSR

If you run a QSR and need to update the digital branch of your operation, taking the route of managed network solutions might be the right path for you. Consider it a way to stop worrying about the state of your IT infrastructure, allowing you to focus on what you really know and love – making people happy with food.