Work complete on Brynteg School’s new community sports pitch

Entrance gates to Brynteg Upper School, Bridgend cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Jaggery -
A new state-of-the-art multi-use sports pitch has now been officially opened at Brynteg School for the benefit of both pupils and the wider community.
The all-weather facility has been jointly funded by Bridgend County Borough Council, Welsh Government’s Community Focused Schools Capital Grant and a donation to the school from the Harry Gwynne Memorial Trust.
The grant is part of Welsh Government’s Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme, which supports the delivery of the Curriculum for Wales by ensuring that learners have access to high quality and modern facilities.
The new facility replaces the previous redgra surface which was often unusable in wet weather due to drainage issues. The improvements also include new floodlights to maximise use throughout the winter months as well as outside of school hours.
Ryan Davies, Headteacher at Brynteg School, said: “The new all-weather pitch certainly is a welcome addition to our facilities and I know that pupils and staff are so pleased to be able to have access to a facility of this quality. I appreciate the support from our local authority and Welsh Government as without this, this development would not be possible.
“Up until this year, our pupils were playing on a redgra surface and whilst this had served us well for many years had fallen into disrepair and was not suitable for the playing of sport. This new state-of-the-art facility will not only benefit our pupils and staff but will also help us to maintain and build upon our already strong links within the local community.
“The importance of sport and physical activity plays in helping our pupils with both their physical and mental wellbeing is not to be under-estimated and this facility will certainly help us to provide the opportunities which will make a positive impact on pupils for many years to come.”
Brynteg pupil Emma Barton, who played in the first ever match on the surface, said: “I would like to thank the council and all the teachers for their efforts in securing the new pitch. It will make a big difference to everyone, and I know the hockey team have been really looking forward to playing on it.”
The Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Jon-Paul Blundell, said: “This is a great example of how schools, the council and Welsh Government can work together effectively to deliver new community facilities.
“This demonstrates our commitment to future generations and it’s particularly pleasing that this new pitch will not only benefit our school pupils but many other members of the community too.
“It’s often said that new facilities can make pupils even more motivated to get the most out of their learning and I’m sure that there will be a long queue of classes wanting to make use of this top class facility.”
The new pitch is expected to be available to community groups later in the year following an initial bedding in process. If you are interested in booking the facility, you can contact the school now to ensure that you are notified when the pitch becomes available.