Work underway to fight flooding in Ogmore Valley

Image Copyright: Lisa Baker
Work is underway on the installation of a new drainage system in the Ogmore Valley which aims to reduce potential flooding risks.
The new system will increase the capability of handling heavy volumes of water to mitigate against future flood risks and increase the protection of houses, roads and property for the people living in Ogmore Vale.
Running adjacent to the local cycle track, works at the area mean a section of the track will be temporarily closed to the public due to safety concerns until completion in the Spring of 2022.
The works on the cycle path are associated with a flood alleviation scheme to protect residential properties on Commercial Street, Ogmore Vale. The existing culvert is in poor structural condition and was a contributing factor to the flooding of properties during the storms in February 2020. The scheme is funded in conjunction with Welsh Government as part of their flood risk programme.
A new surface water pipeline is to be installed on the cycle path, necessary to ease flood risk in the area and mitigate future flood risk to the residential properties.
There is limited space on the cycle path which unfortunately means the entire width of the cycle path will need to be closed for the duration of the construction works.
The closure of the cycle path will enable the construction works to be undertaken safely, protecting construction workers as well as local residents including parents and school children, and will also limit the duration of the construction works.
An alternative route along the main road has been planned for users of the track while the work is being carried out and a map will be made available showing the cycle track diversion. Notices on the ground will alert residents to the works and the nearby school will notify pupils and parents a week before the closure.
Cllr Dhanisha Patel said: “Whilst I know the temporary closure will cause disruption and inconvenience, the decision would not have been made if the work being undertaken wasn’t essential. The work is vital to the flood defences in the area as it will vastly improve drainage capability during periods of heavy rainfall and I’d like to thank local residents for their understanding”