Working Denbighshire offering fully funded training courses

Working Denbighshire is offering residents living in Denbighshire the chance to retrain and gain further qualifications, allowing more people to secure a new job or progress in their current one.
Training opportunities are also being organised through the Work Start scheme, which aims to upskill residents.
Training schemes can be arranged for residents interested in working in popular industries including Construction, Hospitality and Hair and Beauty, but have no experience.
There are also courses arranged throughout the year for anyone looking to get a qualification in First Aid or Health and Safety, allowing them to obtain a CSCS card.
Working Denbighshire works closely with local colleges and other training providers.
Melanie Evans, Principal Manager, Strategic Employment, said:
“I’m pleased that our training courses are proving to be popular already, with our recent Barista course being fully booked within just a few days.
I would encourage individuals and businesses in the county to take advantage of the training opportunities that we can currently offer to improve your chance of getting a better paid job, or if you’re a business, the skills of your team.”
Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Economic Growth & Tackling Deprivation said:
“These training courses are an opportunity for the people of Denbighshire to expand their horizons, and potentially find a career path that better suits their goals.
We want all Denbighshire residents to enjoy the career they choose, in a field where they can express themselves and excel.”
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Working Denbighshire is part funded through the Welsh Government Communities for Work Plus Programme which supports those most disadvantaged in the labour market to overcome the barriers preventing them from gaining employment.
Working Denbighshire has received £3,529,632 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.