News from Wales

Workplace Mental health and stress workshop to be held as part of March for Business month

Stress is one of the biggest causes of staff absence and loss of production.

As part of the Council’s March for Business month, there will be a free online two-hour session to support local business owners and employers on the topic of mental health and stress awareness.

Taking place on Thursday 14 March, from 10am to 12 noon, the event will be hosted by RCS and the interactive session will cover:

As well as covering these topics, there will also be signposting to further support, if employers feel it is needed.

Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Economic Growth & Tackling Deprivation said:

“Mental health awareness within the workplace is an extremely important topic, and I am glad to see that this free session is being offered to local Denbighshire businesses.

This session is set cover some really impactful and important topics, therefore I would urge all businesses to sign up to learn more about how they can support their employees.”

To sign up and for more information, please go to:

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