Young Ambassadors launch 12 Days of Christmas Challenge

copyright Lisa Baker 2021
This festive season, children and young people across Bridgend county borough are being encouraged to undertake the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge.
Organised by Bridgend’s Young Ambassadors, the challenge involves all kinds of activities ranging from scavenger hunts and baking cookies to paper snowball fights and watching your favourite Christmas films.
Shannie Bowen, who has been a Young Ambassador for four years, helped put together the Christmas challenge with her fellow ambassadors.
She said: “We have made sure there was a range of activities that were both physical and mental, and made sure that that feel-good Christmas feel was throughout.
“We didn’t want it all to be physical activity, we wanted to be creative, we wanted families to get into the Christmas spirit. At the forefront was a lot of young people saying ‘we have had a tough time as young people, let’s try and celebrate Christmas and get families in the Christmas spirit.”
A number of sponsors from across the county borough have also helped out by providing a variety of prizes for each day of the challenge. Sponsors include Halo Leisure, Jump Jam, BAVO, Lions Bridgend, DJ Shhh, 1st Class Tiling and KK Solutions.
The Young Ambassador programme in Wales is run in partnership between Sport Wales, Youth Sport Trust and the sport development team in each local authority. It is funded by the National Lottery.
Keen to make a difference in local communities and at a national level, youngsters create and deliver opportunities for their peers and even adults to be physically active through sport. In turn, the programme provides them with confidence and skills to be the sporting leaders of the future.
For more details on the 12 Days of Christmas challenge, including how to sign up, search for @Bridgend YA on Twitter or @bridgendya on Instagram where further resources will be posted.