Bee sculpture causes a buzz at Cwmcarn Forest

The sculpture of bees is made of willow and each bee has been individually handcrafted to give each of the bees a unique design and personality. There are nine bees in total (four large and five small bees) displayed on the side of the Raven’s Cafe.
Tania Bryan, Director of NONaffArt, the company that produced the sculpture said
“We were delighted to be given the opportunity by the council to showcase local Welsh creative talent and to give the community the opportunity to experience and explore local myths and legends associated with Twmbarlwm.
Bees have always had a connection to Twmbarlwm. The legend tells the story of how Bran the Blessed (Welsh: Bendigeidfran, Blessed Crow or Raven) was buried at the top of Twmbarlwm and is guarded by a swarm of bees who will attack anyone who disturbs his final resting place.“
The company behind the construction of the bees NONaffArt are based at the Newbridge Memo. All members of NONaffArt are qualified and experienced artists who have a wide range of knowledge within the creative arts industry.
NONaffArt is a community and corporate art workshop aiming to be focal point of creativity in Caerphilly County Borough.
Cllr Philippa Marsden, Leader, Caerphilly County Borough Council said
“Thank you to NONaffArt for creating such an eye-catching sculpture. It is a welcome addition to the existing attractions and will encourage more local and not so local visitors to come to Cwmcarn Forest, the most visited attraction in the county borough.”
To find out more about NONAffArt please go to their website
Further information about the facilities, location and recently re-opened Forest Drive is available here
Source: Caerphilly – Bee sculpture causes a buzz at Cwmcarn Forest