96% Cardiff and Vale residents choose happiness and joy from love rather than money
Given the unprecedented times we continue to live in, and the varied challenges upon people around the world, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board is asking people to nurture the relationship between physical health and mental well-being by encouraging people to adopt small lifestyle changes that can improve day-to-day happiness.
A recent poll highlighted the simpler things in life which bring about happiness to most people locally, including taking a walk in nature (54%), and spending time in the sunshine (51%).
The poll, on behalf of Welsh Government, asked how people liked to stay happy, with 96% Cardiff and Vale residents answering that happiness and joy comes from love and being with friends and family rather than from having lots of money and materialistic things.
While nine in ten (91%) surveyed said they’d rather have a moderate income and be relaxed, over half (58%) still want to improve their health and wellbeing in 2022.
The Wales-wide data also highlighted that a third of people (34%) said they regularly exercised, yet 87% said they thought they would feel happier if they exercised and moved around more.
lf of people (53%) said they live a sedentary lifestyle, spending most of their day sitting down.
Over a third (37%) think they would feel happier if they exercised more – this accounts for four in ten females, compared to 32% of men.
There are so many ways to improve mental and physical health, which can lead to improved happiness and joy.
Regular exercise has proven health benefits for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, improve their fitness level, and support their mental well-being.
Exercise produces endorphins which make you feel good and can help to improve your mental well-being. To enable everyone who lives and works within Cardiff and the Vale to lead healthier, more active lives, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has developed its Move More Eat Well partnership plan.
Working in close collaboration with the Regional Partnership Board and the Public Services Boards of Cardiff and the Vale, the Move More Eat Well partnership plan aims to encourage healthier lifestyles by providing advice, information and local opportunities that enable individuals and organisations to make healthier lifestyle choices.
One campaign, recently launched by partners of the plan Vale of Glamorgan Council and Cardiff Metropolitan University, has been providing support to Cardiff and Vale residents to access physical activities, suitable for all ages and abilities. The Make Your Move campaign presents its users with sets of resources and information on how to be more physically active in day-to-day life. With topics ranging from the benefits of physical activity, to a ‘Find Your Move’ quiz and list of activities available near you, the initiative aims to make physical activity fun and accessible for all around the Cardiff and Vale region.
There are also a number of simple and easy-to-achieve lifestyle choices you can make to improve your health and well-being, including being active and eating well. Making a few small changes can make a big difference.
It doesn’t matter what you choose to do to be active or move more, but you want to try to raise your heart rate and get a little bit breathless.
Keeping active by doing something you enjoy – whether that’s a sport, yoga, gardening or long walks – is the best way to improve your physical and mental well-being and have fun.
Doing exercise doesn’t just include sport, some hobbies such as gardening or walking, provide a great source of physical activity.
If you want to make small changes to kickstart your journey to a healthier lifestyle, but don’t know where to start go to the Living and Feeling Well pages on the NHS 111 Wales website for tips and advice. Every change you make will help us help you.
For information on access to physical activity sessions and facilities across Cardiff and the Vale, please visit the Make Your Move website by clicking here.