Denbighshire Social Care demonstrate the benefits of Equipment and Adaptations

Denbighshire County Council’s Social Care team have recently demonstrated a range of equipment and adaptations to Elected Members which can be used to support citizens to remain independent in their own homes.
The provision of equipment and adaptation is supporting the Council to address the ever-growing need for social care in the County, by supporting independence and through safely reducing the provision of double handed domiciliary care.
Through a comprehensive assessment of needs Denbighshire County Council’s social care team managed to safely reduce the number of double handed care packages from 33 to 20 in the last twelve months thanks to the use of the specialist devices.
The equipment which includes a bed hoist, gantry, sling and Mackworth transfer allows a single carer to provide the same level of care that two carers would previously provide. Resulting in more carers free to provide care to those who need it most.
The provision of these devices also allows an individual to receive the best level of care from the comfort of their own home, whilst providing the service savings of up to £15,000 per person depending on the equipment used. In 2023 – 2024, the Council spent circa £7.5 million on domiciliary care for older people across the county.
Ann Lloyd, Head of Service for Social Care and Homelessness said:
“There had been some concern that reducing an individual care and support plan from two carers to one carer with the use of specialist equipment could put some individuals at risk, however, our highly skilled and professional team where able to demonstrate how the equipment is safe and can actually provide a more person centred and dignified experience”.
For more information on our social care services you visit the page on our website at: