Mistakes to avoid when using TikTok for your business

Have you recently started using TikTok to promote your brand and can’t understand why your account doesn’t seem to be gaining any traction? Are you a new business looking for the best ways to market your brand and are worried about making marketing mistake when on TikTok?
TikTok can be quite a confusing place if you are new to the social media platform, and there are certain audiences, trends, and viral videos, that a newcomer might not know or understand right away.
With any social media platform, TikTok especially, there is usually a list of do’s and don’ts, which means that knowing which is which will help your account grow, and according to TokUpgrade the first is to get TikTok verified. TikTok is very much a community-based platform that strives to be its most entertaining self while allowing everyone the chance to post and not need professional equipment by making the whole idea of it simple and authentic. If you want to succeed on TikTok, then here are a few mistakes to avoid when using it to grow your business.
Using other platforms content
When it comes to sharing content on other platforms it is usually widely accepted to share the exact same content to the different audiences across the different platforms, however, this isn’t the case on TikTok. Content on TikTok is specifically designed and made of the platform, including the characteristics of it, being light-hearted, funny, and in most cases, not serious at all. It is literally just a platform for entertainment.
As a result, using content that was initially created for other platforms is a big mistake and will stick out like a sore thumb. It will come across as lazy and unimaginative while also giving your followers the impression that you dot particularly care about them. As mentioned earlier, TikTok is like a community, and sticking to their guidelines is key to grow your followers. This is why it is important to make content specific for TikTok, on TikTok, for TikTokkers, otherwise your account won’t see much, if any, growth.
Trying to sell a product
TikTok have a very specific demographic and that demographic abhors traditional marketing and advertising. This is why if you are only using TikTok to advertise your business or you are trying too hard to sell your product by overselling it, you are ultimately turning away potential followers, making your content undesirable to users. This content with most likely be ignored and not generate enough engagement for you to see any king of growth or achieve the results you are aiming for.
By splitting up the promotional post with adding in others more entertaining concepts you will keep an audience engaged and wanting more.
Not knowing the trends
TikTok is known for its massively popular trends that go viral all the time with users trying to imitate what others have done. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not knowing the current trend happening on TikTok and not understanding what makes certain content popular.
Trends can come in a variety of forms from different types of challenges that users will try to complete, viral dances that millions of people will copy to feel part of the action, or even just trending recipes that people can try at home and share to the platform. You should spend some time researching what is popular at the time and try to incorporate it into your content somehow. This will draw more attention to your businesses TikTok account by allowing users to see that you are part of their community while also keeping them entertained with videos that they are wanting to see.
Ignoring influencers
One of the things that makes the wheel of TikTok turn are the influencers that are on it. With a whopping 3.1 million influencers on the platform it would be a mistake to not take advantage of what they have to offer you. Take the opportunity to collaborate with them, this doesn’t mean that you need to be in videos together per say, but you could send them some of your products and ask them to review it for you on their TikTok if they would like. Or you could duet on of their videos. This will allow you to reach their much larger audience and gain a tin of exposure and potentially new follower, with a little bit of effort.