North Wales based lift equipment supplier shows the benefits of lift controller unit

Leading lift equipment supplier shows the benefits of the Arkel Arcube lift controller unit
Flint, Wales, December 4, 2022 – PR Lift Equip is a leading supplier of Arkel Arcube lift controllers in the UK. Founded in 2020, the company seeks to make life easier for the lift industry across the UK. The company’s managing director, Andrew Phillipson, spoke about the benefits of using this state-of-the-art lift controller system.
The Arkle Arcube is a microprocessor-based lift controller. “A microprocessor controller features a series of sensors and controllers that help determine the sequence of operations in real time. This helps achieve an optimal balance between passenger demand and car availability. Elevator sensors collect data on pending calls, car travel direction, door status, position, load, etc., and pass it to the operator”, said Mr. Phillipson.
Monoblock unit
The Arcube Arcube Lift Control Unit boasts an innovative industrial design which means that the control board, lift drive unit, rescue function and other electrical units are integrated into a single monoblock unit. The result is a lightweight, compact unit that’s easy to install and mount.
Quality product
The Arkel Arcube Elevator Control Unit is made using quality materials and has been built to last. This ensures a product that’s durable and long-lasting. To top it off, the device complies with EN 81-20 standards.
Shortens travel time
This lift controller has a direct landing feature, which offers distinct advantages. For starters, the device can calculate the travel curve. It can also help eliminate the drive distance. What’s more, the Arkel Arcube can automatically detect the deceleration point while the elevator is landing. It automatically calculates the maximum cruise speed between the floors without the need for additional adjustment. As a result, the Arkel Arcube lift controller helps shorten the travel time.
Cost savings
Owing to its fewer travelling cable requirements, the Arkel Arcube helps keep the installation costs down while helping save energy.
About PR Lift Equip
PR Lift Equip supplies high-quality lift controllers, fixtures and hydraulics from world-leading brands. The team has over 50 years of experience in supplying and supporting lift equipment. For more information, visit