The Lord’s Taverners Wales’ Christmas Lunches returned this December after a year’s hiatus, welcoming 343 guests over two days and raising an incredible £27,000 for Wales’ leading youth cricket and disability sports charity.

The two lunches took place at the Marriott Hotel, Cardiff, and featured top acts including Tom Binns, Billy Flywheel, Andy Askins and Mark Williams who were expertly led through the afternoon by returning compere Rod Woodward. The raffle and auctions contributed significantly to the total money raised, all of which will go towards the charity’s Wicketz, Super 1’s and Table Cricket programmes, along with funding sports wheelchairs, sensory and play equipment facilities and minibuses for special needs schools.

Andrew Gibson, Chairman of Lord’s Taverners Wales, said: “It really was a real relief and pleasure to finally hold our renowned Christmas lunches and see all of our loyal and generous supporters once again.

“I took on the role of Chairman in January 2020, and obviously a lot has happened during that time, making it very hard for charities to raise their much-needed funds. The last two years have presented challenges for us all, none more so than the disadvantaged children we strive to support.

“As our programmes begin to return, we are seeing the long-term effect the pandemic has had on the physical and mental well-being of our participants – so our work with these young people to fulfil their potential and build life skills has never been more vital.

“I thank everyone who supported us at our lunches and dug deep to make them such a success.  The committee and I, very much look forward to continuing our fundraising in 2022.”

The Lord’s Taverners Wales supports some of the most marginalised and at-risk young people across the country using sport and recreation to build links between communities and encourage groups to play sport together. We are very proud as a committee that the charity currently runs its Wicketz programme in Llanrumney, Ferndale, Abercynon and Ely.

For more information about the Lord’s Taverners Wales and the support they offer, visit