Wellbeing at Work – Chambers Wales encourages workers to walk for their wellbeing

Chambers Wales is hosting a virtual Wellbeing Walk event to promote the importance of employee wellbeing and exercise.
The Wellbeing Walk will take place between 14:00-17:00 on Friday 14 May and participants are encouraged to walk one mile, or more if they choose.
Employee wellbeing is at the forefront of many business’ plans after such a stressful year, and with so many working from home, it is easy to neglect.
According to Westfield Health’s Coping with Covid report, 320,000 UK businesses have wellbeing strategies that are not being fulfilled, despite the fact that there is a direct correlation between employee wellbeing and productivity.
Various studies indicate that happier, more engaged people have higher levels of performance; put simply, happier workers work better. The link between wellbeing and productivity also reaps massive economic benefits, with £61bn potentially being added to the economy by increased productivity if wellbeing spend is maximised.
Chamber Wales is calling for businesses to encourage their workers to get out from behind their desks and enjoy the fresh air, whilst reaping all the benefits of exercise on both their physical and mental health, along with the economic and business benefits – although wellbeing is more than just walking.
They are encouraging participants to take a ‘healthy selfie’ whilst on their walk and share it via socials with the hashtag #WalesWellbeingWalk.
Employee wellness is more important than ever, and the benefits it entails for employees and employers cannot be ignored. After a long year of isolated working from home, this Wellness Walk is a great opportunity for businesses across the country to gather their team and make a start towards improving wellbeing.
Register your participation, along with any team mates, through this link https://www.linkedin.com/events/wellbeingwalk6785885862837260288/ or email support@chamberswales.com